The Environmental Exposure Assessment Research Infrastructure (EIRENE) is the first European infrastructure dedicated to the human exposome. EIRENE aims to ensure the reproducibility of exposome research, a crucial factor for its future applicability in public health interventions.

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Vision and Mission

EIRENE's mission is to establish a sustainable research infrastructure enabling the advancement of exposome research in Europe by bringing together complementary capacities available in the member states, harmonizing them and upgrading to address current scientific and societal challenges in the areas of chemical exposures and population health.

EIRENE's vision is to mediate an open access to the infrastructures supporting a world-class research expanding the scientific knowledge in the area of human exposome, supporting the development of new technologies and translation of the research results to the daily lives of citizens via public-private (industry, spin-offs) or public-public (policy-making) partnerships in order to tackle a problem of non- genetic factors behind the development of chronic conditions and to improve the population health.

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