Project Overview

EIRENE PPP aims to prepare a consolidated European research infrastructure enabling the development of advanced technologies and complementary services on the characterization of complex environmental exposures and their impact on the European population. The ultimate goal is to promote European excellence in Environmental & Health research by providing European researchers with transnational and/or virtual access to harmonised capacities, unique services, and comprehensive data addressing the current and future needs of public authorities. The EIRENE PPP project brings together leading international experts and institutions to prepare EIRENE RI for implementation.

The EIRENE PPP project will provide the EIRENE RI consortium with the necessary financial support to complete the Preparatory Phase and prepare the RI for Implementation which is the overall objective of the project. EIRENE PPP will help to tackle key legal, governance, financial, strategic, and technical aspects of establishing a new RI in the European landscape of research infrastructures and obtaining the political and financial commitment of the relevant Member States, Associate and Third countries to guarantee its sustainability.

  • Objective 1: Develop the scientific concept of EIRENE RI and identify the key pillars of the EIRENE RI architecture, national hubs, and central facilities (addressed in WP1)
  • Objective 2: Describe EIRENE RI technical design, key services, user communities, access procedures and tools (WP2, WP4)
  • Objective 3: Define EIRENE RI data infrastructure and models, develop data management plan and ethical guidelines (WP3)
  • Objective 4: Develop governance structure, legal framework, and a robust funding model for EIRENE RI (WP5, WP7)
  • Objective 5: Develop human resources and identify training needs (WP6)
  • Objective 6: Enhance socioeconomic impacts of EIRENE RI, engage stakeholders and users, strengthen knowledge transfers and links to regional Smart Specialisation Strategies (WP8)

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