EIRENE PPP Deliverables



Due date

Delivery date


Dissemination level

D9.3 - Webpage WP09 10/31/2022 10/26/2022 Completed Public
D9.1 - Dissemination and Communication Plan WP09 12/31/2022   Completed Public
D9.2 - Data Managment Plan WP09 3/31/2023   Completed Public
D3.2 - ELSA guidelines WP03 9/30/2023 9/30/2023 Completed Public
D5.1 - Updated Governance and management structure and implementation report WP05 9/30/2023 9/30/2023 Completed Public
D9.4 - Policy Brief No. 1 WP09 2/29/2024 3/19/2024 Completed Public
D1.1 - National Hubs Report WP01 3/31/2024   Completed Public
D2.1 - List of EIRENE RI core services according to the pillar structure WP02 3/31/2024   Completed Public
D5.2 - Risk assessment and management plan WP05 3/31/2024   Completed Public
D6.1 - HR development strategy WP06 3/31/2024   Completed Public
D7.1 - EIRENE Cost Book WP07 3/31/2024   Completed Sensitive
D8.2 - Stakeholder engagement report WP08 3/31/2024   Completed Public
D1.2 - EIRENE RI Architecture WP01 9/30/2024   Not started Public
D2.2 - Roadmap for development of EIRENE RI services WP02 9/30/2024   Not started Public
D3.1 - Data policy and DMP of EIRENE WP03 9/30/2024   Not started Public
D4.1 - EIRENE RI Access procedures to be tested WP04 9/30/2024   Not started Public
D4.2 - EIRENE RI facilities to be used in the Pilot WP04 9/30/2024   Not started Public
D5.3 - Legal framework proposal WP05 9/30/2024   Not started Public
D6.2 - Education and training strategy WP06 9/30/2024   Not started Public
D8.3 - Evaluation methodology, preliminary KPIs set WP08 9/30/2024   Not started Public
D2.3 - EIRENE RI service access rules & procedures WP02 3/31/2025   Not started Public
D7.2 - Financial model WP07 3/31/2025   Not started Sensitive
D8.1 - Model socioeconomic analysis WP08 3/31/2025   Not started Public
D3.3 - Report on data collection and generation WP03 5/31/2025   Not started Public
D3.4 - Report on data access and sharing WP03 5/31/2025   Not started Public
D6.3 - User-support strategy WP06 5/31/2025   Not started Public
D4.3 - EIRENE RI pilot design and tools WP04 8/31/2025   Not started Public
D9.5 - Policy Brief No. 2 WP09 8/31/2025   Not started Public
D1.3 - EIRENE RI technical implementation plan WP01 9/30/2025   Not started Public
D5.4 - Updated business plan WP05 9/30/2025   Not started Public

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