EIRENE PPP |  WP02 - Development of Services


While WP1 prepares a technical development of necessary infrastructural facilities including their construction and equipment, WP2 focuses on the development of specific services. In this task, (i) core services to be provided by the EIRENE RI will be identified (considering services already provided in other ESFRI RI to avoid duplicities) and organised in the pillar structure defined in WP1, (ii) their current availability in the core facilities of national hubs will be assessed including their capacity and readiness to be offered to the user community, and (iii) rules and procedures for a user’s access to such services will be elaborated.


T2.1 Identification of core services (UU, all partners, M6-18)
In this task, we will closely collaborate with T1.1. Using the stakeholder’s network developed in T8.2, the stakeholder’s consultation organised during the EIRENE RI Design phase will be repeated to supply the updated list of core services demanded by potential (direct and indirect) users as input for T1.1. This list of potential core services will be compared to/consulted with existing European research infrastructures to avoid duplicities, enhance synergies, and identify the areas of potential collaboration with such infrastructures. Global consultations with pioneering institutions in the exposome research domain and the international researchers and stakeholders (T8.3) will be performed continuously to prepare the EIRENE RI for emerging scientific and societal challenges at the global level and strengthen the European position in this strategic research.

T2.2 Inventory of existing services and identification of synergies and gaps (UU, all partners, M1-36)
Using the list of EIRENE RI core services developed in T2.1, we will perform an inventory of services already provided in the national research infrastructures and assess their extent and readiness to be offered via open-access. This inventory will be developed in collaboration with T1.2 and T1.3 mapping the national capacities (but also capacities in existing ESFRI projects and landmarks) in all EIRENE RI pillars. It will provide input for the analysis of gaps and a draft plan for the development of EIRENE RI services as the main outcome of this task. The implementation roadmap devised in T1.4 will be considered here including proposed quality management schemes and harmonisation criteria. It will also inform WP7 developing the EIRENE RI financial plan, and WP4 elaborating a design of the EIRENE RI pilot.

T2.3 An access to the EIRENE RI services (CSIC, all partners, M7-24)
In this task we will develop a framework and procedures enabling access of various categories of users (direct, indirect) to services provided in the EIRENE RI pillars. A varying nature of services among the pillars (access to laboratory capacities and services, networks and cohorts, their samples and data, models, and IT tools) will require specific approaches. We will take into consideration the processes established in existing ESFRI infrastructures as well as national facilities and consult with a wide spectrum of stakeholders (T8.2) including direct and indirect users and funding authorities. A design of the EIRENE RI framework (rules and procedures (entry point, application and evaluation process, evaluation criteria, funding, acknowledgment, evaluation etc.), necessary documents (in collaboration with WP1) and IT tools, executive and decision-making bodies for user’s access implementation) enabling an access to available capacities will provide an input for WP4 where the EIRENE RI pilot will be prepared, and for the financial plan of EIRENE RI developed under WP7.

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