
WP4 activities will be initiated in Year 2 since they build on the outcomes of WP1 and WP2 and design a pilot for user’s access to the EIRENE RI services. We will involve the national core facilities with the highest level of readiness identified in T2.2, set up the access tools, and test the access procedures for both the physical and virtual access described in T2.3. The pilot results will provide WP2 with feedback on further improvement of the user’s access framework. Full execution of the pilot, i.e. real access of external partners to capacities and services of RIs, is beyond the scope of this project.


T4.1 EIRENE RI Access procedures to be tested (UNIVIE, all partners, M13-36)
A framework and procedures enabling access of various categories of users to services of the EIRENE RI pillars will be outlined in T2.3 based on the experience of both, the EIRENE RI partners and other ESFRI RIs. Here we will select the elements to be tested in the pilot (such as a presentation of the portfolio of services to potential users, application procedure for access, evaluation of submitted proposals regarding their feasibility, scientific quality, and ethical considerations, access documentation, e.g. contract, feedback and report forms, evaluation of services, etc.) considering multiple procedure versions for various types of services including access to services of the Head office and the Central Hub. The pilot exercise design will be consulted also with the potential user community identified in T8.2.

T4.2 EIRENE RI Facilities (UNIVIE, all partners, M13-36)
Using the draft plan for the development of EIRENE RI services and the inventory of core services ready to be offered to the user community delivered in T2.2, we will identify the facilities and services to be offered through the EIRENE RI Pilot. A variety of services in multiple pillars will be included for both physical and virtual access, and attention will be also paid to the availability of financial and human resources for the establishment of necessary tools and procedures.

T4.3 EIRENE RI Pilot Design and Tools (UU, all partners, M13-36)
Necessary tools (i.e. IT tools for presentation/selection of accessible facilities and available services, electronic application submission and evaluation, distribution of successful applications among available facilities, contracting and reporting, feedback and evaluation) for implementation of the EIRENE RI pilot will be identified, developed and implemented in this task utilising the best practices from existing ESFRI projects and landmarks. The users’ access entry point will be established (including service support and help desk) as well as the decision-making bodies. Costing and pricing considerations will be discussed together with WP7. The users’ access procedures will be tested within the EIRENE RI consortia and possibly also with selected stakeholders in collaboration with T8.2. Results of the pilot will be fed back to WP2 to amend/improve/update the users’ access rules and procedures, and to WP7 to inform the financial plan of EIRENE RI.

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