EIRENE PPP |  WP05 - Governance & Legal Framework


The main goal of this WP is to define and establish the EIRENE RI governance and management structure for the Preparatory phase, determine its future legal structure and prepare an appropriate legal framework including the development of key policy documents and guidelines. The EIRENE RI Business plan as a key document defining the road to the EIRENE RI implementation will be continuously updated based on the outcomes of WPs1-8, together with the Risk assessment and management plan.


T5.1 EIRENE RI Governance and management (MU, all partners, M1-36)
The governance model proposed during the Design phase will be discussed with relevant stakeholders, updated, and approved. It will specify governance (EIRENE RI Assembly), decision-making (Executive board), and advisory (Scientific Advisory Board, Stakeholder Forum) bodies, their roles, organisational rules and procedures, and coordination or communication principles across all EIRENE RI levels. The updated document covering Preparatory, Implementation, and Operation phases will be finalised in the first year of EIRENE PPP and the EIRENE RI bodies will be nominated. The governance and management structure of the EIRENE RI will be established together with decision-making and advisory bodies and specific working groups. Key documents vital for implementation and operation of the EIRENE RI (documents defining the relationship, responsibilities, and duties of all the EIRENE RI actors and participants, procedures for accepting new members, guidance on the development of national hubs, operational documents for user’s access, material and data transfer agreements, liability and IPR rules, etc.) will be drafted.

T5.2 EIRENE RI Legal model (MU, all partners, M1-36)
Various options for the EIRENE RI legal entity in the Operation phase were explored during the Design phase. The results (suggesting ERIC as the most suitable legal model) were reported in the Business plan. This analysis will be updated and results presented to the EIRENE RI governing and advisory bodies in Y2 as a base for discussion on the RI readiness to operate on an international level. Existing RIs, legal experts, and RI managers will be consulted, and relevant stakeholders engaged to discuss the legal aspects of the RI implementation. The resulting legal documents will be negotiated with member countries and national authorities to reach a consensus and then approved by the EIRENE RI Assembly.

T5.3 Risk assessment and management plan (MU, all partners, M1-36)
The detailed Risk assessment and Risk management plan prepared during the Design phase will be continuously updated based on the outcomes of all EIRENE PPP WPs. Risks related to technical implementation, development of human resources, appointment of national and central hubs, development and quality management of services, data management and security, financial planning and ethical, legal and social aspects (ELSA) for all the EIRENE RI development phases and activities will be identified and monitored to streamline the development processes of EIRENE RI. In parallel, the key performance indicators of this process will be monitored and the socioeconomic impacts of the EIRENE RI will be assessed in WP8.

T5.4 EIRENE RI Business plan (MU, all partners, M1-36)
The EIRENE RI Business plan is a key strategic document and serves as the implementation roadmap of the RI. A draft version of the Business plan was developed during the EIRENE RI Design Phase (submitted as an annex to the ESFRI application) presenting its strategic vision, research and innovation agenda and data management plan, funding model and plan for the development of human resources, governance, and legal model as well as analysis of socioeconomic impacts. It will be continuously updated during the PPP project to incorporate all relevant WP outcomes.

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