EIRENE PPP |  WP06 - Development of Human Resources


Development of technologies must be complemented by the development of human resources. In concert, they signify the contribution of EIRENE RI to the ERA. This WP will introduce a strategy for the development of human resources for EIRENE RI (a proposal for building an EIRENE European training network, EETN) as well as a training strategy for a user community. At the same time, high-quality HR practices built on openness, transparency, respect, equality, and cooperation, will be maintained at all EIRENE RI levels.


T6.1 EIRENE Strategy for development of human resources (ORU, all partners, M1-36)
The inventory of the HR needs at all levels of EIRENE RI (in terms of expertise, skills, type, and number of positions) resulting from the EIRENE RI scientific strategy and plan for the development of technology and services will be performed in the first phase to cover different phases of the EIRENE RI life cycle (incl. implementation and operation). In the second phase, a robust HR development strategy will be defined (including HR values, staffing plan, recruitment policy, career development principles, equal opportunity programme, etc.) reflecting the needs but also a present situation related to the availability of competent personnel.

T6.2 Addressing training needs (ORU, all partners, M1-36)
The EIRENE RI demand for skilled, competent personnel defined in Task 6.1 will also require properly assessing and addressing the training and education needs. The education and training strategy will identify appropriate tools to enhance the skills of the EIRENE RI staff. Overarching and specialised workshops, training courses, secondments, and twinning activities will build the competencies within the EIRENE RI consortium and increase the value and quality of services provided to the user community. The training strategy will aim at establishing an EIRENE European training network (EETN) as a tool for the education and training of a new generation of RI operators and technicians.

T6.3 User support strategy (JSI, all partners, M13-36)
Specific support and training needs of the EIRENE RI user community will be also assessed within the PPP project. The user-support strategy based on the outcomes of stakeholder consultations and user feedback from the pilot (WP4) will identify the most relevant training activities in the form of e.g. training schools, hackathons, or sandpits. Regular communication with the user communities will ensure that changing needs are properly addressed.

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