EIRENE PPP |  WP09 - Project Management, Communication & Dissemination


Overall management of the PPP project, and effective coordination and communication with partners and EC are major objectives. The governing and advisory bodies will be established together with efficient operating, monitoring, reporting, and decision-making processes. Quality and risk management tools will be introduced. The ELSA framework of the PPP project will be developed as well as drafts of the DMP and innovation management strategy of the future EIRENE RI.


T9.1 Day-to-day management and monitoring (MU, all partners, M1-36)
A Project management plan will be developed. The project governing and advisory bodies will be established in Month 1 (Project Coordinator, Project Manager, WP Leaders). They will comply with EIRENE RI bodies. Collaboration principles, procedural rules, and communication tools will be established at the beginning of the project to ensure effective communication flow. The Project Coordinator in collaboration with the Project Manager and WP Leaders will ensure the day-to-day management of the project, and its technical and financial implementation. Project meetings will be organised by the PM according to the plan developed at the kick-off meeting; minutes will be elaborated with a record of decisions made and actions required. Minutes will be approved by the respective board.

T9.2 Quality management and risk assessment (MU, all partners, M1-36)
The quality management is ensured by the PC, supported by the PM and WPLs. PC will monitor and ensure the compliance of the project activities with the project plan, deliverables, and milestones, as well as potential ethical, legal, and social impacts of the PPP project implementation. Continuous assessment of the project progress and the earliest possible identification of problems or delays are perceived as crucial for the implementation of relevant measures. In addition to the quality assessment, the risks will be continuously monitored, identified, evaluated, quantified, prioritized, and mitigated by the PM during the whole project duration. The list of major risks identified in Table 3.1e will be continuously updated and assessed.

T9.3 Dissemination and communication (IS Global, all partners, M1-36)
The dissemination & communication plan will be developed addressing both internal communication among the partners and interactions with external stakeholders (as specified above). The dissemination channels will be the RI website (incl. intranet), newsletters, and tools described in chapter 2. The website will present the vision of EIRENE RI, the PPP project, its organisational structure, contact points, activities and events, relevant publications and communications to various target groups including prospective partners and users.

T9.4 Enhancement and strengthening of the EIRENE Network (MU, all partners, M1-36)
At the beginning of the Preparatory Phase the EIRENE RI consortium consists of 17 National Hubs represented in the PPP project by their National Hub Leaders. However, each NH consists of multiple partners which bring together more than fifty institutions, and both numbers are expected to grow. Within this task, we will maintain the contacts and information flow among all the partners (NH Leaders and members). All the partners will be continuously informed, invited to key events and encouraged to actively participate at the national and European levels, provide their feedback,
and communicate with stakeholders (domain-specific experts and working groups, ministries, funding bodies, and users.
The EIRENE RI performance will be monitored throughout the project implementation and operation via a set of key performance indicators (KPIs) based on the proposal of the ESFRI Working Group (ESFRI, 2019), and via independent scientific evaluation by the EIRENE RI Scientific Advisory Board (SAB). The KPIs will be monitored at the level of the core facilities, summarised per country and/or per pillar, and reported in an overall report for the EIRENE RI. The preliminary set of indicators will be proposed within this task while the final set of KPIs for the operational phase will be proposed by the EIRENE RI management and approved by the General Assembly in due time.

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