EIRENE / IHEN Consortium Meeting | Utrecht

  • 15 – 17 October 2024
  • Utrecht University, Netherlands

Join us at a combined meeting of the EIRENE PPP and IHEN (International Human Exposome Network) projects.

Program overview:

  • Tuesday 15 October - EIRENE Consortium meeting afternoon
  • Wednesday 16 October - EIRENE/IHEN Stakeholders meeting morning and afternoon sessions
  • Thursday 17 October - IHEN Consortium Meeting morning and early afternoon

Important questions to be discussed during the Stakeholders Meeting (Tuesday 16 October), and for which broad stakeholders' input is required:

  • What key sectors and policy areas will benefit from scientific evidence from Exposome studies in the next decade?
  • What are the societal and policy needs in terms of Exposome research?
  • What are the biggest research gaps in the field of Exposome research?
  • Which technological / scientific developments should be prioritized to maximize the impact of Exposome research in the next decade?

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