19 th RECETOX Summer school

The RECETOX Research Infrastructure and the Stockholm Convention Regional Centre, in cooperation with the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic and WHO, organized the 19th International RECETOX Summer School in Brno. The programme included lectures, practical exercises, and case studies related to non-targeted analyses of biologically relevant molecules and human biomonitoring.

28 Jun 2023 Jitka Vaňáčková

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In June, the RECETOX Research Infrastructure and the Stockholm Convention Regional Centre for Capacity Building and the Transfer of Technology, in cooperation with the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic and the World Health Organization (WHO), organized the traditional 19th International RECETOX Summer School in Brno. The conference was co-organized by Martin Bobák and Hynek Pokhara, the ERA Chairs at RECETOX. 

The week-long programme consisted of introductory theoretical lectures, intensive practical exercises, and case studies related to the main theme, which changes yearly. This year's content was divided into two blocks, with the main topics being (i) non-targeted analysis of biologically relevant molecules and (ii) human biomonitoring.

Seventeen experts (7 from abroad) presented the latest research findings, experiences, and possible solutions to practical situations. The first session focused on studying metabolomics, exposome, non-targeted analysis methods, and dataset processing.

In collaboration with the World Health Organization, the follow-up session included a learning module on capacity building in assessing risks associated with population exposure to chemicals. Both sessions included practical, interactive sessions. A visit and tour of the RECETOX research infrastructure laboratories and biobank was also an integral part of the programme.

Forty participants from 15 countries worldwide attended the summer school.

We look forward to seeing you in June 2024 for the 20th-anniversary edition.

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