Brno hosts 2024 Galaxy Community Conference
Jana Klanova, EIRENE Coordinator, gave a keynote speech at the GCC2024 on "Integrating exposomics into biomedical science.
On Monday, October 9, members of the EIRENE management board met in Vienna.
The Board discussed the overall strategy and long-term vision of EIRENE, the governance and management structure, the survey for determining the services and human resources needs, the upcoming Consortium Meeting in Rome, and the alignment of EIRENE activities with ongoing international efforts such as the International Human Exposome Network (IHEN).
The development of EIRENE is currently funded under the Horizon Europe preparatory phase project, “EIRENE PPP”, now ending its first year of the three-year project, which is designed to prepare EIRENE for becoming a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC).
The in-person meeting facilitated an in-depth debate on the strategy and vision, which is crucial for providing the scientific foundation for the further development of EIRENE.
Another important topic discussed was the inventory of services and human resources. A survey for analyzing the current services currently available within the National Nodes is in its final stages of preparation and testing and will soon be sent to the National Nodes. This will provide important information on the current capacities and future needs.
Finally, the Board discussed plans for the annual Consortium Meeting, which will bring all the representatives of the national nodes to Rome in December.
Jana Klanova, EIRENE Coordinator, gave a keynote speech at the GCC2024 on "Integrating exposomics into biomedical science.
RECETOX organized its 20th Summer School. This year, the event was organized in cooperation with the PARC project, and was focused on chemical exposure and modeling.