EIRENE PPP Kick-Off Meeting / ICRI Conference - Draft Agenda

When: October 17-21, 2022
Where: Brno, CZ

Select specific date/s for details

Monday, October 17

18:00 - 19:30




Informal meeting of EIRENE members with ESFRI delegates

  • EIRENE intro – Project Coordinator (Prof. Jana Klanova)
  • ESFRI perspective
  • EU perspective
  • Global perspective

Hotel Continental


20:00 -

Social event - EIRENE PPP Consortium dinner



Tuesday, October 18

9:00 - 12:00


Organized transport to RECETOX: 8:30

(in front of the Continental hotel)


EIRENE RI Satellite event

Main Topics

  • Filling the gap – EIRENE, unique expertise and role in the European RI landscape
  • Exploring synergies and potential collaborations within the Environment, Health & Food, and Social domains
  • Setting joint priorities for Horizon Europe INFRASERV 2023




  • Jana Klánová  - EIRENE RI
  • Robert Barouki - Interdisciplinary research
  • Roel Vermeullen - potential synergies
  • Nicola Pirrone - collaboration in data

Other Research Infrastructures

  • Paolo Laj (ACTRIS)
  • Petr Holub (BBMRI-ERIC)
  • Radim Boháček (SHARE-ERIC)
  • Andrew Smith / Jiří Vondrášek (ELIXIR)
  • Dale Robertson (EGI)
  • Marián Hajdúch  (EATRIS-CZ)


REGISTRATION (only for those not registered through the EIRENE PPP form)




Join us Online!


12:00 - 13:00



13:00 - 17:00


Organized transport to Continental hotel: 17:15

(from RECETOX)

EIRENE PPP - 1st work meeting

  • Introduction (Prof. Jana Klanová)
  • Work Package description (tasks, deliverables, and work plan)
    • WP1 – Scientific vision & technical implementation (INSERM)
    • WP2 – Development of services (UU)
    • WP3 – Data & Ethics (CNR)
    • WP4 – EIRENE RI Pilot (UNVIE)
    • WP5 – Governance and Legal Framework (MU)
    • WP6 – Development of HR (ORU)
    • WP7 – Financial Planning (MU)
    • WP8 – Socioeconomic Impact & Stakeholder Engagement (VITO)
    • WP9 – Project Management, Dissemination & Communication (MU)




Join us Online!

Wednesday, October 19

9:00 - 13:00


Organized Transport to RECETOX: 8:30

(in front of the Continental hotel)


EIRENE PPP - 2nd work meeting

  • Research strategy & agenda (Robert Barouki)
    • Synergies with PARC and EHEN
    • *Revisiting EIRENE pillars (working groups)
      • Top-down exposomics (Thor Halldorsson)
      • Bottom-up exposomics (Roel Vermuelen)
      • Data interpretation (Spyros Karakitsios)
      • Data integration (Jan Theunis)
      • Complementary laboratory approaches (Jana Klanova)
  • Development of services (Roel Vermeullen)
  • ELSA - ethical, legal & social aspects (Jos Bessems)
  • Data (Nicola Pirrone)
  • EIRENE PPP General Assembly meeting
  • Kick-off wrap-up and next steps (Jana Klanova)
*Working groups leaders volunteered at the Vienna meeting



Join us Online!


13:00 - 14:00

Organized transport to Continental hotel: 14:30






Register for events here! (in-person attendance is by invitation only)

19:00 - 21:00

Organized transport to RECETOX: 18:00

(in front of Continental hotel)


Organized transport to Continental hotel: 21:30

CELSPAC Biobank Grand Opening

19:00 - 19:30 Welcome notes and speeches

  • Prof. Jana Klánová, Director of RECETOX
  • Anna Panagopoulou, Director of European Research Area & Innovation, DG Research & Innovation, European Commission
  • Prof. Vladimír Balaš, Minister of Education, Youth and Sports, Czech Republic
  • Prof. Jens Habermann, Director General of BBMRI-ERIC
  • Prof. Martin Bareš, Rector of the Masaryk University

19:30 - 21:00 Reception, networking, and guided tour of the biobank

registration (only for those not registered through the EIRENE PPP form).

RECETOX (Cafe Lavka)

Thursday, October 20

All day





  • Gary Miller (9:00-10:30)
  • Jana Klanova (16:00-18:00)



Friday, October 21

All day








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